
Rachel & Justin {she said yes}

dairy barn engagement photos

What a great couple! Seriously. They have loads of fun with each other, laugh and play together, and are also romantic and sweet with each other. We loved photographing them at the Dairy Barn, it was easy for us as they are so comfortable and natural together. We value them dearly as clients, and look forward to their wedding this Fall.
dairy barn engagement photosdairy barn engagement photosdairy barn engagement photosdairy barn engagement photosdairy barn engagement photosdairy barn engagement photosdairy barn engagement photosdairy barn engagement photosdairy barn engagement photosdairy barn engagement photosdairy barn engagement photosdairy barn engagement photosdairy barn engagement photosdairy barn engagement photosdairy barn engagement photosdairy barn engagement photosdairy barn engagement photos

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    Dianne personett photography

    Serving the Carolinas and East Coast